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In this third catechesis on the Sacraments, we pause to reflect on Confirmation or “Chrismation”, which must be understood in continuity with Baptism, to which it is inseparably linked. These two Sacraments, together with the Eucharist, form a single saving event — called “Christian initiation” — in which we are inserted into Jesus Christ, who died and rose, and become new creatures and members of the Church. This is why these three Sacraments were originally celebrated on one occasion, at the end of the catechumenal journey, normally at the Easter Vigil. The path of formation and gradual insertion into the Christian community, which could last even up to a few years, was thus sealed. One travelled step by step to reach Baptism, then Confirmation and the Eucharist.


We commonly speak of the sacrament of “Chrismation”, a word that signifies “anointing”. And, in effect, through the oil called “sacred Chrism” we are conformed, in the power of the Spirit, to Jesus Christ, who is the only true “anointed One”, the “Messiah”, the Holy One of God. The word “Confirmation” then reminds us that this Sacrament brings an increase and deepening of baptismal grace: it unites us more firmly to Christ, it renders our bond with the Church more perfect, and it gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith, ... to confess the name of Christ boldly, and never to be ashamed of his Cross (cf.Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 1303).


For this reason, it is important to take care that our children, our young people, receive this sacrament. We all take care that they are baptized and this is good, but perhaps we do not take so much care to ensure that they are confirmed. Thus they remain at a midpoint in their journey and do not receive the Holy Spirit, who is so important in the Christian life since he gives us the strength to go on. Let us think a little, each one of us: do we truly care whether our children, our young people, receive Confirmation? This is important, it is important! And if you have children or adolescents at home who have not yet received it and are at the age to do so, do everything possible to ensure that they complete their Christian initiation and receive the power of the Holy Spirit. It is important!


Naturally it is important to prepare those being confirmed well, leading them towards a personal commitment to faith in Christ and reawakening in them a sense of belonging to the Church.

Confirmation, like every Sacrament, is not the work of men but of God, who cares for our lives in such a manner as to mould us in the image of his Son, to make us capable of loving like him. He does it by infusing his in us his Holy Spirit, whose action pervades the whole person and his entire life, as reflected in the seven gifts that Tradition, in light of the Sacred Scripture, has always highlighted. These seven gifts: I do not want to ask you if you remember the seven gifts. Perhaps you will all know them.... But I will say them on your behalf. What are these gifts? Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear of the Lord. And these gifts have been given to us precisely with the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. I therefore intend to dedicate the catecheses that follow those on the Sacrament to these seven gifts.

When we welcome the Holy Spirit into our hearts and allow him to act, Christ makes himself present in us and takes shape in our lives; through us, it will be he — Christ himself — who prays, forgives, gives hope and consolation, serves the brethren, draws close to the needy and to the least, creates community and sows peace. Think how important this is: by means of the Holy Spirit, Christ himself comes to do all this among us and for

us. That is why it is important that children and young people receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.


Pope Francis  29 January 2014


We are now accepting registrations for our 2024-2025 Sacrament preparation program! If you would like to register your child, click here to fill out our digital form​.


Frequently Asked Questions

At what age should My child receive the sacrament of confirmation?

A child is invited to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation when they are in Grade 6 or older. The suggested age is only a guideline. If parents feel that their child is not yet ready to further their faith formation, they are encouraged to undergo preparations for the Sacrament of Confirmation when they are more mature and more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Children must be baptised into the Roman Catholic Church, have celebrated their First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, and be enrolled in an ongoing program of catechesis (either catechism classes or in a Catholic school).

What preparation is required for my child to be confirmed?

Preparation for confirmation includes at least 10 hours of instruction time, 10 hours of volunteer service, attendance at a full-day retreat and completion of basic assignments. Instruction time is usually divided into 7-8 sessions depending on time constraints throughout the year. 

Are there requirements of the parents who wish to have their child confirmed?

Some preparation sessions require the attendance of both parent. Parents must ensure that their child is preparing for Confirmation throughout their daily lives, by practicing and applying the things they've learned during the sessions into their everyday lives.  If time constraints are an issue, parents can speak with our Sacrament preparation coordinator to make alternative arrangements.

When are confirmation preparation sessions?

Confirmation preparation sessions run from September - April. After you have registered your child for the program, our Sacrament Preparation Coordinator will send you the 2024/2025 Sacrament preparation schedule.

Are there costs associated with sacrament preparation?

Yes. Costs will cover instructional materials.

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